Author Archive
Northern Culture - Artefacts from Arnhemland

Northern Culture – Artefacts from Arnhemland

  Mimih’s, Wandurrks and Wyara, bark paintings, fish traps, pandanus dilly bags, mats and baskets, yawk yawks, stingrays and…..
Offerings from Tali Gallery

Offerings from Tali Gallery

Tali Gallery carefully sources artworks and crafts from all over Australia, looking for integrity and quality. Everything is hand selected and special in some way. Everything has a story. The Gallery is relaxed, friendly and welcoming. We offer small affordable gift items from as little as $3.50. We also sell small paintings priced from $66 unstretched...
Radio Interviews from our Trip to Alice Springs

Radio Interviews from our Trip to Alice Springs

When Triin and I were in Alice Springs, or ‘Slice’ as the locals call it, we met up with some fascinating people.   Triin interviewed them for her SBS  Estonian Radio Program.   One was David Batty who has written the ‘Bush Mechanics’ series which may be made into a feature – you can hear...
Introducing Cedric Varcoe to Sydney - October 20 from 3 - 6pm

Introducing Cedric Varcoe to Sydney – October 20 from 3 – 6pm

New Course at North Sydney Community College

New Course at North Sydney Community College

Di is looking forward to taking a new course at North Sydney Community College over November commencing Tuesday 5th for four weeks.   In an “Introduction to Aboriginal Art and Culture” participants learn how contemporary Aboriginal Art came to be and how it is far more than just ‘dots’ and how it has evolved from cultural...
Charlie McMahon Didgeridoo Classes, SCC at Tali Gallery

Charlie McMahon Didgeridoo Classes, SCC at Tali Gallery

Tali Gallery is pleased to work with Sydney Community College to host Charlie McMahon’s Didgeridoo Classes – great for the lungs and health, fun and fascinating. Charlie’s a living treasure and learning from him is a remarkable experience!
New Paintings from Papunya Tjupi : Online Exhibition

New Paintings from Papunya Tjupi : Online Exhibition

The foundation artists of Papunya Tjupi were recently exhibited in the Musee du Quai Branly in France and these artists, their daughters and peers, were exhibited in a nearby gallery in Paris.  Their work has cultural integrity and strong provenance.  You can read more about the artists and the work on the links on the...
Robert Edward Puruntatameri - Tiwi Potter Looking for Clay

Robert Edward Puruntatameri – Tiwi Potter Looking for Clay

Robert Puruntatameri is an accomplished potter from Melville Island.  Three of Robert’s pots are available from Tali Gallery.  This video shows him looking for different types and colours of clay during a workshop with a traditional potter from Canberra.     Looking for Clay 
Emerging Regional Artists Expressing Traditional Knowledge

Emerging Regional Artists Expressing Traditional Knowledge

Tali Gallery works with several urban artists who paint in a contemporary aesthetic at the same time as conveying teachings from their forebears with stories handed down concerning Ancestral travels, songlines, knowledge of the earth, Aboriginal symbols and the importance of kinship and connection. The white painting is by Elisa Jane Carmichael (Ngugi Clan) from North...
Beautiful and Diverse Creations from Aboriginal Australia

Beautiful and Diverse Creations from Aboriginal Australia

You can see some of the artworks, crafts and gifts we have at Tali Gallery on the blog posts on this website and also if you click on the menu buttons for artists or artworks or gifts depending on your particular interest. The pricing of our art is determined by our artists or their community...
A visit from Mini OOSH

A visit from Mini OOSH

Tali Gallery was pleased to host a visit from the cohort from Rozelle Public on the last Thursday of term, and absolutely delighted to be presented with a painting the 5 year olds had prepared for us!    The children instructed their Co-Ordinator, Maeve, to draw Australia including Tasmania and illustrating Uluru in the centre,...
New Crafts and Gifts, September

New Crafts and Gifts, September