Congratulations to the Telstra Award Finalists this year.  Di attended the Darwin Art Fair and the Award Ceremony and is delighted to see several Tali Gallery artists were nominated as finalists this year – including Nudge Blacklock (Pictured with his Limited Edition Fine Art Print, hot off the press at COFA in Sydney), a NSW Parliament Aboriginal Art Prize Finalist this year and in 2010, a finalist at Telstra for this beautiful screen print.  Other artists we exhibit at Tali Gallery, also qualifying as finalists, were Bob Burruwul and Lena Yarinkura from Maningrida, Justin Puruntatameri and Cornelia Tipuamantumirri (Tiwi artists) and Rhonda Sharpe (soft sculptures from the Larapinta Town Camp art centre).  We have one of these screen prints left in the edition and some wonderful work by the other artists.