Tali Gallery is committed to working with young Indigenous artists to help them develop their careers.  We facilitated Sarrita King being granted the first artist  residency at Newington College in Sydney and the commissioning of an artwork for the Headmaster’s Study.  In addition, we have worked together to help promote the Newington College Indigenous Scholarship Program and particularly the Chris Wild Bursary.  Similarly, Tali G also worked with Sarrita on the establishment of an Indigenous Bursary at International Grammar School in 2011 where Tali G donated our  commission to the fund to support the scholarship program at the school.  Tali Gallery also worked with the Greek Festival of Sydney in 2012 to recognise the first Australians and Sarrita’s artwork, Ancestors, became the feature piece for the cover of their program and promotional posters as well as becoming part of an exhibition opened by the Greek Consul General.